I decided to post on my blog without any pictures. (boooo boring! I know, I know)
But its going to be inspiring, I promise.....
Before I start I have to say I love my life, I love my kids more then anything. My husband is sexy and rocks! I'm really blessed and have the best family and friends in the world. I honestly could not ask for more and feel grateful for all the gifts a loving Father in Heaven has given me. It brings a smile to my face and joy to my life.
Top 5 Countdown, and please feel free to add any comments with what irks you.
#5. People who don't like, or get annoyed by really happy people. Seriously?! I'm sorry but if you complain about really happy people and how annoying it is that they smile all the time, they make other peoples lives better but their kindness, and take obstacles with optimism, I think you may be jealous, or just bored. I for one love happy people and want to more like them. So there. If you're one of those people then feel free to complain to me about how annoying "so and so" is for always being happy, but just know I'm standing there thinking I like them better then you.
#4 Gavin sitting on the potty for a half-hour trying to go #2, only to get down, lie down for his nap and poop his pants 2 mins later. I know he's doing it to test me, I know it. Like he's thinking, "ok., lets see how mom will FREAK out today." He does it all the time, almost as if he waits and holds it until I finally give-up and let him down. Sometimes I want to sit myself in the corner, rock myself back and forth repeating over and over in a hushed rasping voice, "no poopies, no poopies" but I don't.....very often. Good thing I love my son more then anything because I really don't know any other job that could pay me to do this. Patience Kristi, Patience.
#3 Girls who eat junk ALL THE TIME, never work out, and still look better in a swim suit then me. Sorry this is going to be shallow but it's true. I feel really blessed, and feel grateful when someone gives me a compliment on my physical fitness, but it's because I work my tail end off 6 days a week. Then there's girls that seriously eat mac n' cheese, consider laughing an ab-workout, scarf on ice cream every other night, and when I see them in a two piece.....me, mouth wide open staring in disbelief. (creepy but I can't help it) If you see me sometime this summer buying rope and bricks its because I'm about to tie them around my feet and jump head first into the river. Please don't take this as a "pity me and my body post", (that is #6 on what irks me, girls who look good and call themselves fat) it's NOT one of those. Honestly, I don't know what it is, but you get it right?
#2 People who spend precious time writing blogs about what irks them. Really, get a life people. Couldn't you be spending time doing other thing's, like cleaning your dirty kitchen, showering so you don't resemble to swamp queen, or reading to your kids?! Just saying.
And the Number 1 thing is.........
#1The DAY that will NEVER end. Why is it that everything has to go wrong on ONE day. Is it me, or do you stub your toe, spill something all over the floor, ruin dinner, have your kids scream and fight, run out of milk, your husband works late, and gain an extra pound all on the same day?! I get so delusional on these days I just sit and laugh out loud, thinking could it really get any worse?? And of course, then it does. Maybe its my attitude, sure I can take credit for that, but really, be honest, you've had those days. Admit it. And when night finally comes and the kids are asleep, or you're home from work, all you want to do is lie on the couch and eat ice cream. But you can't. Cause you're not one of those skinny girls who can eat ice cream and still get away with it. Oh no, you feel guilty and bloated, and gain 2 lbs the next morning while shoping for rope and bricks knowing you will never wear a swim suit again.
OK I'm done. Sorry, this was pointless and now we're all dumber for having read it.
P.S. I wore my pink shirt to club Dance last night, (boo ya, snuck it in right at the end. )
You're hilarious, that was sooo funny!