Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Family Pics

We went and got our family pictures taken about a week and a half ago. There's a girl in our ward who does it from her home and she was really great. Totally patient and understanding with our silly boys who decided they didn't want to smile, or look at the camera as soon as we got there. Here are a few. Hope you enjoy.

This is one of Matt's favorites!

Our chubby little man. He turns 6-months old this Friday. Its gone by way too fast.

I didn't post the one of Gavin picking his nose, I choose this one instead. :)

Ah yes the family from 1950!

He looks so Innocent here. What a ploy.

This makes my heart smile. I should look at it every time Gavin is going nuts.

Why is he always eating things? I think he's finally teething.

My favorite. This is what I get to wake up to in the morning.

So this was a silly action shot. We were all situated, then Matt told an off colored joke and pretty soon we all lost it. Erin, our photographer caught it all.

I love this picture of Matt. This is how I see him, how his personality is at home. Yes he's still laughing from his joke earlier. And no I will not repeat it.

Ok this was me acting really ridiculous while she was trying to get her camera all ready. She added it to all the pictures she gave us. I thought it was pretty funny that she actually took it.

And last, but certainly not least, the final picture. We had to leave early because Gavin pee'd his pants. We didn't get to do any "all 3 boys" or "mom and boys." I think it was all part of his plan to be done and go home. He did however LOVE the Batman and Superman cars they had, as you can see.


  1. They turned out so cute. I didn't expect anything different because you all are so dang cute. I miss you friend.

  2. Seriously...your boys are the cutest I've ever seen! Miss ya!
